
Florida Grapefruit Ice Cubes


  • 2 Florida Grapefruits, juiced and zested


  1. Zest Florida Grapefruits until you have about two tablespoons of zest.
  2. Slice Florida Grapefruits in half and juice until you have about 240 ml of juice.
  3. Pour Florida Grapefruit juice into an ice tray and add desired amount of zest to each cube.
  4. Place ice tray in freezer until fully set, preferably overnight.
  5. When ice cubes are fully set, add them to your favourite beverage for a fun and delicious twist.



  • 2 Florida Grapefruits, juiced and zested


1. Zest Florida Grapefruits until you have about two tablespoons of zest.

2. Slice Florida Grapefruits in half and juice until you have about 240 ml of juice.

3. Pour Florida Grapefruit juice into an ice tray and add desired amount of zest to each cube.

4. Place ice tray in freezer until fully set, preferably overnight.

5. When ice cubes are fully set, add them to your favourite beverage for a fun and delicious twist. 

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