
Florida Grapefruit Teacake Loaf


  • 3 Florida Grapefruit
  • 500g strong bread flour
  • 12g yeast
  • 10g salt
  • 50g sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 275ml milk
  • 100g butter
  • 200g dried fruit, such as raisins or sultanas

Icing Ingredients

  • 30-40ml of Florida Grapefruit juice from the above
  • 250g icing sugar


  1. Pour the flour, yeast, salt and sugar into a bowl and blend together.
  2. Make a well in the centre of the flour and crack the eggs in it, followed by the milk.
  3. Mix together until a soft ball of dough forms on your hand and the dough comes clear from the bowl.
  4. Transfer the mixture onto a clean work surface, knead and stretch the dough for 10 minutes until smooth and stretchy.
  5. Return the dough to the mixing bowl, cover, and leave to prove and double in size.
  6. Meanwhile, place the dried fruit into a mixing bowl with the juice of 2 Florida Grapefruit.
  7. After approximately 1 hour, scoop out the bread dough back onto a clean work surface, and then add the butter.
  8. Knead the dough for 2-3 minutes until the butter has incorporated into the dough, then lift the dried fruit out of the juice and add to the dough.
  9. Continue to knead and work the dough until the fruit has been distributed evenly throughout the bread dough.
  10. Roll the dough into a sausage shape and loop together into a circle.
  11. Transfer the bread onto a baking tray or a bunt-style tin lined with a little butter to help it not stick.
  12. Leave the dough to prove for 45 minutes or until it doubles in size.
  13. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180c for 40-50 minutes or until golden and baked through.
  14. Once the bread has cooled, mix the icing sugar and some of the remaining Florida Grapefruit juice to make an icing.
  15. Drizzle the icing over the bread and leave to set before serving.


  • 3 Florida Grapefruit
  • 500g strong bread flour
  • 12g yeast
  • 10g salt
  • 50g sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 275ml milk
  • 100g butter
  • 200g dried fruit, such as raisins or sultanas

Icing Ingredients

  • 30-40ml of Florida Grapefruit juice from the above
  • 250g icing sugar


1. Pour the flour, yeast, salt and sugar into a bowl and blend together.

2. Make a well in the centre of the flour and crack the eggs in it, followed by the milk.

3. Mix together until a soft ball of dough forms on your hand and the dough comes clear from the bowl.

4. Transfer the mixture onto a clean work surface, knead and stretch the dough for 10 minutes until smooth and stretchy.

5. Return the dough to the mixing bowl, cover, and leave to prove and double in size.

6. Meanwhile, place the dried fruit into a mixing bowl with the juice of 2 Florida Grapefruit.

7. After approximately 1 hour, scoop out the bread dough back onto a clean work surface, and then add the butter.

8. Knead the dough for 2-3 minutes until the butter has incorporated into the dough, then lift the dried fruit out of the juice and add to the dough.

9. Continue to knead and work the dough until the fruit has been distributed evenly throughout the bread dough.

10. Roll the dough into a sausage shape and loop together into a circle.

11. Transfer the bread onto a baking tray or a bunt-style tin lined with a little butter to help it not stick.

12. Leave the dough to prove for 45 minutes or until it doubles in size.

13. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180c for 40-50 minutes or until golden and baked through.

14. Once the bread has cooled, mix the icing sugar and some of the remaining Florida Grapefruit juice to make an icing.

15. Drizzle the icing over the bread and leave to set before serving.

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